I went this morning because Hubs told me the nagging pain I've had in my foot since like September may actually be a stress fracture and to rest it on the running until Monday or Tuesday to see if it's just a strained tendon or ligament. So I'm icing, and biking, and ellipticalling. I had a few minutes before spin class started when I got there so I jumped on the elliptical and put the resistance on high and did a mile.
Just in case you thought I was lying. This was actually my machine too, I didn't creep up on someone else's.
That was fun.
I got what I asked for, I guess. I think I'm going to reincorporate spin into my workout regime. And I'm gonna try yoga again... I'm gonna keep trying yoga until it sticks. I just know how good it is for running and I'd really like to be freakishly bendy and instagram it. I don't care if I can't relax enough to get to that point. It'll happen.
I have added the Blue Ridge Marathon (1/2) to my 2013 race list and it is really hilly. Savannah has no hills, so maybe some bridge running and hardcore spinning will help me out.
What cross training exercises do you like?
I would love to try spinning... but I don't want to join a gym just to do it (I am anti-gym membership). You should try Bikram with me... I used to do it before I started half marathon training and it really helped me... it's a super hard workout, but I lost visible inches in just 10 classes. I'm going to try the Pure Barre class with my friend/running coach next week. I am also looking into kickboxing and crossfit... something that will make me drenched in sweat after 20 minutes is ideal :)