
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mega Update

I know it's only been about 5 days since my last post, but I feel like a million things have happened!

First things first, I'm on spring break! Well, the kids I watch are on spring break and traveling so I have the week off.  Hubs and I had grandiose ideas of what to do during our mutual week off and have ended up staying in Savannah.  The Georgia mountains didn't happen because by the time we got our schedules together, the cabin we were going to rent had been rented out already.  <Sad face>

Saturday was my first run with the Savannah Striders.  I was super nervous that I would left in the dust and completely lose the fact that part of the reason I joined was to meet people.  While a 10:30/mile is exceedingly good for me, most people I know go at least 2-3 minutes faster than that.  My fears couldn't be farther from the truth.  Everyone was so nice as I walked up and introduced themselves.  We started our run through Isle of Hope and I was starting to be left in the dust.  But I ended up running with a really nice woman who had about the same pace, and wanted to go 6 miles like me! I'm not normally a talker but for some reason I talked a lot.  It made the time go by so fast and we were keeping up a great pace.

Afterward, I was invited to the after run breakfast at the Mid-Town Deli.  I decided to join them and had a great time talking with everyone and chowing down on a breakfast sandwich and drinking my chocolate milk.  Overall, I'm already feeling like the membership fee has paid for itself.  I know that I will do at least one run a week with them and it will keep me motivated during the gross summer months that feel like they'll never end.

The next day, Easter, was awesome.  Hubs and I went to church in our Easter Sunday best and our favorite restaurant (ie the one we got married at) was open for a Sunday brunch! Here's a couple pictures from the day... sunrise and after brunch.

That's about all I want to update for now. Hubs and I had a great day downtown yesterday, but that deserves it's own post so it will follow shortly after! 

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