
Friday, May 11, 2012

Twittering and Getting Back into a Rhythm

I guess because last week was my first week without being full time with the kids and I was just all out of sorts with doctors' appointments and race week, I got off track.  Way off track.

I gained 5 pounds..... That's 25% of what I've lost in the last year. In one week.

I also saw this meme that applied to quite a few things in my life. Animals have a way of doing that.

I was talking about it with Hubs this morning trying to figure out what went wrong.  I am running more than I was while working full time and eating a lot less crap.  I ate a lot of candy over the past year, but didn't gain weight.  I blame the lack of candy for my sudden weight gain.  That's totally what it is.

I kid, I kid.  Really it's because I haven't been taking note of my food choices and portions. Also since I am running more, I'm justifying my portion sizes by that too.  So the last few days, I've been writing down my intake and only drinking water, my own version of a dirty chai, la croix, and nuun. Tonight, I ate my weight in Chinese food. Not really, but I think my stomach is shrinking or something because it doesn't take much to fill me up now that I'm actually watching what I eat.

I also have an insane amount of energy. I don't know if it's because I started making my own dirty chai (recipe below) once a day or because I'm being more consistent with my running, therefore keeping a consistent amount of energy in my body.  The good thing about all this energy is that it has forced me to be real with myself not only with the weight issue, but with my personal life.  No worries, Hubs and I are absolutely awesome. In fact, I'm so grateful for him putting up with my lack of motivation for pretty much anything.  But I'm realizing that's not going to make me very happy.  So I've made some huge changes in my life that will eventually be told to the blogosphere I'm sure, I'm just not ready to share them right now.

Moving on....

I joined twitter! (@initfortheshirt there wasn't enough room for my "s") I gave into the thought that the more people I have following my journey not only of running a marathon, but to changing the lives of families with autism by running a marathon, the better.  I give into peer pressure pretty easily so by having people ask me about my blog, tweets, striders, or running in general, I am given the push I need to keep up with the training schedule.  These guys are already following me and issuing a warning giving me motivation!
I have to admit. I got super excited when they followed me, I felt popular. And cool. Like I said, peer pressure.

I love running, but would probably either over-do it on days when I feel great or do 2-3 miles and call it a day when I should be out there running 6-8. The more I read on marathon running, the more I realize sticking to the plan is essential.  There's a reason that we take advice from professionals. They know what they're doing!  So this week has been getting back into a rhythm and I've had three great runs so far and am so looking forward to tomorrow.

I'm going to shoot for an hour and a half of running or 7-8 miles.  One my very beautiful and amazing friends is getting married tomorrow so I'm meeting her to help with set up and drinking champagne whatever else she needs. I'm so excited! I love a good wedding, and this one is going to be B-E-A-U-tiful.

Here's my chai recipe, I haven't measured anything because that's just how I cook in general, measuring is for baking.

It's awesome. Try it. 

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