
About Me

Hi there! I'm just a 28 year old girl. Newlywed (11/11/11) and loving life in Savannah.  My running story began in high school where I was the team manager for the cross country team my sophomore year and got talked into running my junior and senior years.  I sucked. Plain and simple.  My friends and I called ourselves the caboose because we always brought up the rear.  I never ran more than like 5 miles (part of which was definitely walking) and I don't think I broke 35 minutes in any 5k race we had.  I was a pole vaulter during track season and was much better at that.  Distance running was not for me.

In college, I kinda gave up on working out until my junior year and then went to the gym, but I still hated running.  When I was in grad school, I became friends with some girls that loved running and through a few life lessons, I took up running again.  I didn't do any races but watched as my dad started to run half marathons and my fellow cabooses did half marathons and a marathon.  I, on the other hand just hung back and gained about 40 pounds.  After getting engaged, I realized that I needed to do something for myself and my husband.  I wasn't just living for me, I had someone who loved me as much as I loved myself and I owed it to both of us to lose the weight and be healthy.  So I started spinning (my favorite cross training activity) and eating a heck of a lot better and lost 20 pounds.

It just so happened that the Rock and Roll Marathon and Half Marathon was coming to Savannah and happening the weekend before our wedding.  My dad and maid of honor (a fellow caboose) decided to sign up for it and make a pre-wedding party out of it!  My training went so well and flawlessly and the race was awesome.  I've done a few 10ks since then and my dad and I have signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon in October.  I'm so excited for this challenge and journey.  I get to share it with the few people that read this blog and have something to look back on when this craziness is over.

I'm not sure if I'll ever run another marathon after the one in October, but I know that I will be running for years to come.  There's something about the way it makes me feel, during and after.  Even if I dread it for hours before I go out, I never regret going out there.

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